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Strive for Five 2025
Your GSQ PHD (Project Half Done) Motivator

Download a copy of this document HERE.


In our Strive for Five program, you are encouraged to choose five uncompleted projects. Our program will STRIVE to help you complete these Five projects in a timely manner. We will supply five due dates, and one of these projects must be done by each date for you to get credit. It costs you $5.00 to join our program, one dollar for each project, but the rewards might be great. Each time you complete a project by the due date, you will receive your dollar back. Should you not complete the project on time, you forfeit your dollar.  In December this money will be awarded to a member from the list of all completed projects. So join us, get those projects done!


Project specs and dates:

  • Your list of projects and your $5.00 should be provided to Bobbi Callison on or before February 1

  • Projects will be due on the first meeting of March, May, July, September and November. In 2025, these dates are:

    • March 6 (now March 7)

    • May 1

    • July 3

    • September 4

    • November 6

  • Completed projects will be shown in Show-and Tell at the assigned meeting.
    If you cannot make this meeting, you may email or text a picture of the completed project to Bobbi Callison. (843-267-7763 -

    • Members with completed projects receive their one dollar.

    • Members with completed projects will also have their name entered for the prize reward to be awarded in December.

  • In December we will pull one name from all the projects completed. This quilter will receive all the forfeited dollars.

Completed projects must be quilted and bound to receive credit.



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